Monday, February 5, 2007

Ottawa Cutefest


My new niece Skye is the cutest baby in Our Nation’s Capital. Her powers include squeaking, grunting, squawking, ‘baby bird mouth’, ‘popeye face’, and ‘the startled starfish’.
She’s also a champion eater; her chin doubled during my 48-hour stay.
My sister Maggie and her husband Roger are quickly getting their parental routines under control. Roger is a diaper specialist, while Maggie has changed a total of 3 diapers in 10 days. That puts me in a solid 3rd place with two diapers total.
Thanks Maggie and Roger for letting me hang out during your precious early days. I hope my macaroni and veggie curry measured up to the impressive array of foods your friends and fans are dropping by.


Meg said...

Where's that li'l camera, Jacko?? I think it'd be an admirable goal to post one picture a day. I applaud the videos, by the way. Emergency Sasquatch!

justy said...

sweet, happy trails, boys! also, if you are in the area of cultural mecca buffalonia, do let a gal know! (apples in stereo are playing here on sunday... jus sayin).