Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Something to chew on

Okay folks, we hear you!
Apparently there have been complaints about a dearth of new material on our blog. That's okay... All criticism is a chance to grow! But please be patient with us; things should pick up a little when we actually start driving on Feb. 6th.
In the meantime, I'm getting excited about BBQ meat culture in the US.
Big Bruce sent me this from roadside on his bike trip through Patagonia.

"Kansas City is all about bbq. You have to try at least 50 places on your way through. I don´t know any by name, but do your research. Chowhound.com will provide ample recommendations. I really want to hear about that bbq, Jack."

Well, it turns out there are more like 90 BBQ places in Kansas city, which may slow us down by a couple of hours.

Here are two of the bigger names:

Arthur Bryant Barbeque
Gates Bar B. Q.

And an overview:

Experience KC BBQ

Then, a little farther west, we face another meat Everest:

Can Colin do it?

So if Colin can eat a 72-oz steak in 1 hour, it's free. Otherwise, it's $72 USD.
Is this a living example of conquering cowboy spirit? The most excessive meat gorge-fest since Caligula?
You, dear readerz, must decide:

1) Should Colin or Jack or both attempt the Big Texan steak challenge? Remember, 72 oz = 4 1/2 lbs.

2) Bonus question: How many BBQ joints should we try in Kansas City?

You'll have a few days to post your replies. After many tearful goodbyes, I'm driving out of Halifax tomorrow, hitting Ottawa on Friday afternoon.
Then Toronto for Superbowl, and on the 6th, it's time to meat the open road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1 vote for 2 steaks. if only for the film.