Tuesday, January 30, 2007

tip-toeing through the Mighty USA, not a chance.

I have only just gotten back to Montreal, a balmy -22: ice cream headaches in nothing flat. Doing laundry and catching up with dogs and friends. Time was tight in Halifax and so I only just finished reading the Rolling Stone tribute to James Brown. This has nothing to do with driving but it has everything to do with busting a mighty move.

Something to chew on

Okay folks, we hear you!
Apparently there have been complaints about a dearth of new material on our blog. That's okay... All criticism is a chance to grow! But please be patient with us; things should pick up a little when we actually start driving on Feb. 6th.
In the meantime, I'm getting excited about BBQ meat culture in the US.
Big Bruce sent me this from roadside on his bike trip through Patagonia.

"Kansas City is all about bbq. You have to try at least 50 places on your way through. I don´t know any by name, but do your research. Chowhound.com will provide ample recommendations. I really want to hear about that bbq, Jack."

Well, it turns out there are more like 90 BBQ places in Kansas city, which may slow us down by a couple of hours.

Here are two of the bigger names:

Arthur Bryant Barbeque
Gates Bar B. Q.

And an overview:

Experience KC BBQ

Then, a little farther west, we face another meat Everest:

Can Colin do it?

So if Colin can eat a 72-oz steak in 1 hour, it's free. Otherwise, it's $72 USD.
Is this a living example of conquering cowboy spirit? The most excessive meat gorge-fest since Caligula?
You, dear readerz, must decide:

1) Should Colin or Jack or both attempt the Big Texan steak challenge? Remember, 72 oz = 4 1/2 lbs.

2) Bonus question: How many BBQ joints should we try in Kansas City?

You'll have a few days to post your replies. After many tearful goodbyes, I'm driving out of Halifax tomorrow, hitting Ottawa on Friday afternoon.
Then Toronto for Superbowl, and on the 6th, it's time to meat the open road.

Monday, January 29, 2007

No baby on Board

Jack’s sister has just had a fantastic baby girl - Skye Georgia Julian Senecal weighs in at 8 lbs 2 oz. The plan, Jack makes his way to see the new miracle, then off to Toronto. I fly back to my home base in Montreal tonight and then will hop a train from Montreal on the 4th, arriving in Toronto in time for a Super Bowl Sunday BBQ with none other than the open pit master himself- Pete.

Monday we will gather supplies, make sure we have all that is required to save our sorry asses if the weather chooses to move on up to cranky. Boots, down filled everything and matches and oh yea, Cigars —might as well wait for state police helicopters in style. Tuesday February 6th we say our last goodbyes and hit the road. First stop- is Bloomington, IL, thought we might catch the mighty Hoosiers at Indiana University but god damn if there is no Basketball games when we blow through town. Therefore all our adrenalin will have to wait for The International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame in St Louis. Yabadabadooo!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Looking for 66

Here is what we hope to drive through

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

seems to be a go!

The trip is a go. February 6th to February 17th.
I had some worries about my faithful dog- Milo. My father has volunteered to dog sit until my return. There has been much talk over food and wine about how best to approach this adventure. In the end we will take camera, sound recording device, computer and a print out of all crucial Diners and wifi hot spots and road side zoos. This will be our starting point. We both seem to have strange fascination with St Louis, Kansas City, Oklahoma city, anything Texas and Vegas. There is talk of the “Sky City” in New Mexico and a search for optimum and cheap Motels as well as BBQ. Is this some search for a spine through America- what is American? We think not. This is a translation of a cross-country trip into adventure, exploration and document. A space in time allowed to us by a lack of employment, foreseeable future and friendship. Aram told me of this Gondry video, we will do it in reverse-kinda.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

40/40 vision

The Canadian Automobile Association can tell you the shortest route to Davis, CA. They can tell you the prettiest route, too. But they either can't or won't tell you the safest way to go.
Poor CAA. Google can take care of route planning in about 5 minutes. Those flip-book maps seem like relics from the days of the automat. I guess CAA is more of a tow-truck insurance scheme these days.
Thankfully, there are guys like Dave Miller from Eassons Transport to give friendly advice to rookie road-trippers (www.eassons.com). Dave says your route depends on a long list of factors (Are you driving days or nights? How heavy is your load?). And he offers no guarantees, "To put it politely, the US is facing some unseasonable weather these days."
But with winter storms looming on any route, Dave leans towards I-40... Fewer knife-edge mountain passes, and plenty of pretty scenery. ("Lots of history in Oklahoma City.")
I point out the route would also take us near Las Vegas.
"Unfortunately, yes."
Dave, it seems, knows the open road comes with no guarantees.
But Colin and I are putting our money on I-40, hoping for a smooth ride to the craps tables of the crystal city.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Little wheels are a turnin'

Choosing a route across the U. S. of A. was a bit of a head-scratcher. I-80 looks so efficient and direct, a straight shot from Chicago to San Francisco. I'd love to see Salt Lake City, which I imagine as a mix of 'Big Love' and 'Under the banner of heaven'.
But this record-setting winter has us worried. Remember the Donner Party!
So instead we're slipping south across I-40, aka the old route 66. Hopefully less snow, more crunk. I'm letting CAA make the final call tomorrow. (They seem to know about road travel.)
Meanwhile Colin is googling 'indy rock Oklahoma City'.
Packing list - earplugs, murderrecords tshirts

Halifax- the map, the meeting, the plan

Jack and I sat down this Sunday afternoon and looked at the map of America. There was talk of route 80 vs a more southern route- 44/40. WE chose the South.
the plan:

St Louis

and we end our cross America road trip in Davis, California, home to Dr Meg Jones, sweetheart of Mr Jack Julian and master Vet in training.